Dear Haitian School Sponsors,

I wish you were here to see the joy and excitement on the faces of these children! In spite of difficult circumstances, crowded classrooms, hard benches, and long walks, the kids love to be in school. They are happy to have friends and a safe place to learn. And they love to eat, too!
At one school we visited this week I saw a lady with one leg, on crutches, with a basket on her head. The director told me she lost her leg in the earthquake in Haiti. She brings snacks for the kids to buy, and then cleans up the playground afterwards. I wish I had taken her photo, but I was too choked up. My ankle is still bothering me, and it’s hard to walk, so I can understand her discomfort and admire her initiative. That school does not have a sponsor. We are praying about helping the director with $480 a month to pay the teachers.
When the Calvary Academy students were here last month we visited several schools, where the students performed skits and songs, and did crafts with the kids. They loved it! They also painted Alex’s school and church in Sabaneta, and came for an evening service. They were so moved when the Haitian congregation prayed for them. They couldn’t understand all the words but they knew the Spirit was there.
In Barranca the students painted decorations that Pastor Frantz wanted. The new computer lab is finished and the new classrooms are painted. The students there were so happy with the toys the Calvary students brought. Such joy all around!
We hadn’t visited the Ciudad Universitaria school in a while. They meet in the afternoons. The students did a program on the basketball court and then they did their crafts. It just takes a little bit to make a huge impact in the lives of these children.
We had a big disappointment last week when we went to fence in the new property in Cutupu. A lawyer was waiting for us, claiming that the property belonged to her grandfather’s inheritors, and she was going to bring a lawsuit against the people selling to us. That was a shock! We spent more days looking, and God willing, will close this week on a much bigger property with space for the church, school, a soccer field and garden. Please pray for the funds needed to complete the building.
Thank you for your sponsorship, which makes it possible for over 800 children to receive a Christian education and nutritious food. We are honored to be your missionaries.
See below for photos.
God bless,
Debbie and Mitch Martinez
100% of donations go directly to pay school expenses for the children. Your tax-deductible offering may be sent to:
PO BOX 1761
Columbia, SC 29202-1761
or call about automatic drafts. 803-799-0502