A Very Special Thank You to Our Donors and Visitors in 2023!
The Summer ushered in funds from teams and donors that propelled our needy projects forward. We are excited about the progress of the Barranca parsonage for Pastor Frantz (shown in the photo below). The foundation has been laid for the parsonage for Pastor Danis in Cutupu. By the time you read this newsletter, the roof should be in place for the El Pino church and school. All this in spite of increased construction costs. Thank you for responding to the nudge of the Spirit of God and lending us a hand. As you can see from the list at the left there are still some needs. Debbie had a great Summer with our U.S. teams as they provided awesome VBS (Vacation Bible School) programs for many local churches. This was an effective outreach to neighborhood families. Many decisions were made for Christ!
The teams also blessed and helped train our teachers in the Haitian programs, and also at our Dominican school, La Vega Christian School. Attendance at LVCS is at 350, and in the 14 Haitian school programs, the enrollment is 800+. Classes started up this week. We still need many sponsors at only $25.00 monthly for the children. (Click here to learn more about sponsoring a child with our program called: Teach Feed Love) Providing an education and feeding these children is a burden that Debbie carries on a daily basis. Thanks for your help and prayers as these programs move forward.
Ongoing Church/School Projects Happening Now
We are excited as funds begin to come in to help with some of our ongoing church and school projects. We believe this to be in direct response to the prayers of pastors, churches, and school directors. Join with us in praying for the following needs:
- EL PINO CHURCH/SCHOOL $11,000.00 for completion
- BARRANCA PARSONAGE $7000.00 for completion
- CUTUPU PARSONAGE $11,000.00 for completion
- RANCHITO PROPERTY $26,000 to purchase the land for the church/school project.
call us at 863-248-1119. Your gifts are tax-deductible.